Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wait baby wait

Maybe I should have named this blog months from Mia, who am I kidding years from Mia. Will it ever end?

The last month has been the longest month ever, we could be just days from getting our referral now and I am nearly going insane. On the other side of that we could be a whole month away depending on how many days they get thru this month. I like to think that they matched most of the 20th and just didn't have enough baby files to get all the way thru the 20th. They will not split a day of LIDs so if there weren't enough they would hold them until the next month. After last month I am worried that we miss the cut off again, can I take another month? Do I really have a choice?

Shopping is my therapy, Chad says nothing. What a wonderful man, he is so perfect for me.

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